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Day: June 27, 2024

No Condemnation and No Separation, Part 6

No Condemnation and No Separation, Part 6

“THE BODY IS DEAD.” The Apostle explains that in the case of these New Creatures in Christ, from the divine standpoint the body is treated as dead, but the spirit, or mind, is treated as alive. It is the New Creature which God recognizes, to which he purposes to give a new spirit-body in due time – in the first resurrection. It is necessary that this thought be clearly fixed in our minds, in order that we may continually realize…

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No Condemnation and No Separation, Part 5

No Condemnation and No Separation, Part 5

“For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” (Rom 8:6,7) We are to distinguish the mind of the flesh from the mind that is in accord with God, for the one is at enmity with God and the other in harmony with him. The mind that is in harmony with…

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