Even amongst professing Protestant Christians the majority do not know that there is an election. The leading denomination, Methodists, positively deny that there is an election; and even the large denominations which hold that an election is in progress (Presbyterians and Baptists, etc.) have totally false conceptions of its character: they regard God’s call or nomination as being the election itself, and hence the words of the Apostle in our text confuse rather than help them.
They think of the matter from the standpoint of divine foreknowledge and predestination: they consider the election as something done by the Almighty wholly regardless of the character and works of the elect, saying in their Confessions of Faith, that it takes place without consideration of any worthiness or merit on the part of the elect, but solely of divine grace. They thus make void the Word of God, and the election inducements which it holds out, – confusing their own minds, and in the end traducing the character of the divine ruler and his law.
Would that they could see what is so plainly set forth in the divine Word; viz.,
(1) that the predestination on God’s part was that he would choose a Church, – from amongst those whom his grace would redeem from the curse of death through the precious blood of Christ.
(2) That he predestinated that this Church should be of a fixed, positive, limited number; – we believe literally 144,000 – of whom the nucleus was found in the remnant of Israel which accepted of Christ at and after Pentecost: the number being constantly added to throughout the Gospel age, and to be fully completed with the end of this age.
(3) That he predestinated what must be the fixed character of each one whom he would recognize as a member of this elect Church, the body of Christ – as the Apostle says, he “predestinated that we should be conformed to the likeness of his Son.” (Rom. 8:29.) Consequently, the predestination meant that none could be of the elect Kingdom class (however plainly they heard the call or nomination), unless they made their calling and election sure by cultivating the graces of the spirit and thus coming into heart-likeness of our Lord Jesus Christ – copies of him who set us an example, that we should walk in his steps. – 1 Pet. 2:21.
Here we have an election which accords with every definition of the Scriptures and all the Scriptural facts relating to the divine plan of the ages. It is this election which we feel justified in securing at any cost, at any self-denial, any self-sacrifice; and these self-denials and self-sacrifices are works which must be performed if we would be of the elect; as the Apostle says, we must “work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.” (Phil. 2:12; Jas. 2:22.)
Yet these works are not ours (as men) but as “new creatures,” members of the body of Christ. And they are God’s works in the sense that they are incited by his Word and Spirit: for “it is God that worketh in you to will and to do.” – Phil. 2:13; Eph. 3:20.
Let us not be misunderstood, however. Our justification, the basis of our call or nomination to this high position in the Kingdom was secured, NOT BY WORKS, but by simple faith without works. We were justified by faith, and had peace with God, before it was possible for us to do any works which would be acceptable in his sight.
But when we were accepted in the Beloved, having made full consecration of our mortal bodies, and every interest pertaining thereto, – then the works began, the sacrificing began, the self-denials began, the overcoming of the world began, the battle with the world, the flesh and the devil began. This battle must be won in our hearts (even though we will not attain perfection in the flesh) else we will not make our election sure and receive the crown of glory, the symbol of our joint-heirship with him who bought us with his own precious blood.
So, then we see:
(a) that only those who have heard something, at least, of the grace of God in Christ have been in the remotest sense in contact with the privileges of this election, – because “faith cometh by hearing” and,
(b) faith the result of hearing, rightly received, brings justification from the sins that are past, and peace with God, and
(c) only those who are at peace with God (being justified by faith, having taken the first step) are called to joint-heirship with Christ in his sacrifice, walking in his footsteps and thus attaining to joint-heirship with him in his Kingdom, and
(d) only those thus called or nominated by God, (and who have taken the second step of a full consecration) have the remotest opportunity of becoming the elect.
And then mark,
(e) the Lord’s own declaration, “Many are called; few are chosen [elected – from the same Greek word].” – Matt. 22:14.
Let us not only assure ourselves of the fact that there is an elect class being selected during the Gospel age, to a special position of honor and service with the Lord, but let us at the same time note the lessons enjoined upon this class of called or nominated ones – the instructions given them of the Lord whereby they may make their calling and election sure.
We will take a look at some other scriptures referring to the elect in our next post.