The Harvest Question

The Harvest Question

As you recall in our first post entitled. The Voices of the Three Sighs”, Part 1 we mentioned that at the time this article was published in 1900 it was the consciences of the Pastor and those associated with him that the Harvest of the Gospel age, which was believed at the time to be the same length as that of the Jewish age, viz., 40 years was already 27 years complete and that only 13 years remained, the last 4 of which it was believe the plagues would be poured out upon the world resulting in the Great Time of Trouble predicted to end this age. It was not until shortly before his death in 1916 that he realized he had erred in this summation.

Understand he did not err in his belief in the prophecies which declared the beginning of the harvest of the Gospel age to begin in A.D.1874, no, where he erred was in regards to the length of this harvest. It was the belief that the harvest would end at the completion of the Times of the Gentiles and that shortly thereafter the Lord would establish his Kingdom. This of course was merely an inference on his part which proved erroneous. We cannot fully fault him here as it is a given fact that no prophecy can be fully ascertained until after its fulfilment.

We must likewise bare in mind the LORD’s statement that his thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are his plans our plans, He accomplishes his will as he sees best, and we must be prepared to adjust our plans according to His.

The other mistake was in the assumption that the seven last plagues would all be poured out, and the great time of trouble begun just prior to the end of the Gentile Times. The Gentile Times did according to prophecy end in A.D.1914, however the final cataclysmic event which would see the end of the present order of things did not take place there. The trouble was only beginning there. The great time of trouble did indeed begin there, but only with the pouring out of the first plague (WWI), Keep in mind that the great time of trouble is referred to as the great time of trouble, that is a “period of time” much longer than what was originally expected, spread out over a hundred years. Presently we are only in the sixth plague and have not yet reached the seventh and final plague, the climax of this great time of trouble, Armageddon, which the scriptures style “The Great Earthquake” (or revolution), which will see the end of this present age.

But one might ask,

If the “Times of the Gentiles” ended in 1914 as the scriptures attest, then why are they still here, still in power, still with us?

There are two reasons for this we might surmise, first the scriptures only state that the times of the gentiles ended in 1914, they didn’t say that they would cease to exist at that time. As the Pastor had suggested, their lease (their period of rulership) was up at that time, but they have not yet been evicted. Since it is apparent that the harvest is not yet completed, the Lord knowing the end from the beginning and being very patient with those of us still in the running for the heavenly hope, He has stayed their eviction until such a time as we might make our calling and election sure, so as not to overly stir the waters (release the four winds) thus making this a near impossibility for us.

We believe this is shortly to take place as the last of the feet members are taken from the earth having finished their sacrifice, following in the Master’s footsteps having been found faithful until death even as he, at which time they shall experience their change. At this point the last of the salt of the earth having been taken from the world it will quickly corrupt and dissolve into chaos and anarchy.

In our next post we shall present a more detail explanation as explained by the Pastor.

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