Because not heedless, careless, indifferent servants of the King, but faithful and earnest ones, the Watchers have scrutinized every little particular which fell from the lips of him who spoke as never man spoke; and all the messages which he has sent them through his faithful apostles and prophets. And discriminating carefully, they discern that there are three words of distinctly different signification, used in respect to the Lord’s second advent; namely, parousia and epiphania and apokalupsis.
Parousia is used in respect to the earliest stage of the second advent, while apokalupsis relates to the same advent later; – not that apokalupsis and epiphania relate to another, or a third advent, but merely to a later feature of the second advent. These Greek words, it is true, are somewhat obscure or hidden in the Common Version of the Bible, and undoubtedly for a purpose. The Lord’s purpose evidently was to keep the world and the wicked in ignorance of his gracious plan until his due time; nor did he wish the particulars to be understood by the Watchers until near the time of the fulfilment. But now we are “in the time of the end,” in “the day of his preparation,” in the time in which it was foretold that then “the wise [not the worldly-wise (the mere professing Christian), but the humble Watchers who are wise enough to take heed to the Word of the Lord] shall understand.” (Dan 12:10.)
And hence, since many of the Watchers are not Greek scholars, God has made gracious provision through valuable helps (such as Young’s and Strong’s Analytical Concordances as well as the Emphatic Diaglott), so that the very humblest of his people may have a clear and discriminate understanding of the meaning of certain features of his Word which, hitherto, have been kept hidden under imperfect translations; and these matters God himself has been bringing to the attention of his people, through Millennial Dawn (The Studies in the Scriptures Series), *Zion’s Watch Tower, and the Old Theology Tracts The Watchers all over the world are being reached by these “Helping Hands for Bible Students,” which the Lord himself is extending to them.
*Note: These “Bible Student” materials all predate any Jehovah’s Witnesses materials under similar titles, and contain the original teachings of Pastor Russell prior to the takeover of the organization by Judge Rutherford. When Judge Rutherford assumed control of the organization, he promptly began to throw out all the Pastor’s teaching and substituted these with his own and with those who supported his views. Many of these new views are currently held and taught by the Jehovah’s witnesses even today.
By these helps, the Watchers are rapidly coming to see that the word “parousia,” in our Common Version translated “coming,” does not mean what our English word signifies; namely, to be on the way, approaching; but that on the contrary it signifies presence, as of one who has already arrived. The Watchers note also that the Scriptures predicate certain things respecting the Lord, and respecting his parousia (his presence) which clearly intimate that he will be present and doing his work, his great work (of setting up his Kingdom and smiting the nations with the sword of his mouth) wholly unknown to the world, – as a thief in the night.
The Watchers also notice that the Scriptures clearly indicate that after the Lord has done certain things during his presence (parousia) and unknown to the world, he will later make a manifestation of his presence; – a manifestation which will be discerned by all mankind: and this outward manifestation is designated his “epiphania” which signifies “shining forth” or “bright shining.”
The Watchers keep separate these two thoughts (presence and manifestation) respecting the Lord’s second coming; that although really present a spirit being (like the angels who, we are told, encamp round about them that fear God and deliver them, and who are “all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation,” and whose ministry is an invisible one) our Lord, now a glorious spirit being, of the divine nature, will not be manifest to the natural eye during his presence – his parousia. – Psa 34:7; Heb 1:14.
Hence the necessity that the Lord’s faithful ones shall “watch,” because they, no more than the world, can discern a spirit being with their natural eyes. The Watchers in due time are to discern the presence (parousia) of their Lord by the eye of faith. The sleepless eye of faith will in due time take note of the “sign of the Son of Man,” – the indications of the presence of the King.
During the period of the parousia (presence) preceding the epiphania (shining forth) a certain work will be accomplished, unknown to the world, unknown to the nominal Church, known only to the Watchers. Ah, how important to us the words of our Master, exhorting us to be Watchers! And, by the way, this watching includes a watching of our own hearts as well as of the Lord’s Word and the outward signs – to ensure our worthiness to be continued in the light, and under the instructions of the great Teacher. “If any man have not the spirit of Christ he is none of his;” therefore if any man lose the spirit of Christ he ceases to be his; and hence we all need to “watch” that we may, as the Scriptures direct, “Keep our garments unspotted from the world;” and “keep ourselves in the love of God, while looking for the grace [aid] of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless in the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.” (Jude 21:24). For whoever has the spirit of Christ may be a Watcher, and as a Watcher may know of the gracious things connected with the great “salvation which shall be brought unto us at the revelation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ;” but whoever ceases to have the spirit of Christ must, of necessity, cease also to be a Watcher, and shall be in ignorance of the things of the day of the Lord, like the world, of which he would then probably be a part.
As the light by which the eye of faith may discern the parousia, we have the “more sure word of prophecy to which we do well to take heed.” It has shone upon the pathway of the Watchers all along through this night; but now its various prophetic rays have focused and clearly indicate that we are already living “in the days of the Son of Man,” while, as he expressly foretold, the world in general goes on as usual, in utter ignorance of his presence and of his harvest work and of the beginning of the Day of the Lord; it continues as usual – eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, planting and building.
It is a mistake to suppose that our Lord, in giving this information respecting the events of the time of his presence, meant us to understand that it would be wicked for the world to eat, drink, plant, build and marry; these are not improper things, and any such interpretation is strained and faulty, and results from an utter misconception of the subject. Our Lord wished merely to show that the world would be in ignorance of his presence “in the days of the Son of Man,” and in utter ignorance of the great time of trouble, or “Day of Vengeance” which the inauguration of his Kingdom will signify to the kingdoms of this world, which are to be dashed to pieces as potters’ vessels. The ignorance of the impending trouble here will be similar to that of the people who lived in the days of Noah. “As it was in the days of Noah, so also shall it be in the days of the Son of Man.” – Luke 17:26.
As “the days of Noah” were not days before Noah’s time, neither are “the days of the Son of Man” days before the Son of Man’s time or presence. The days of the Son of Man are the days of his parousia, or presence, – invisible and unknown to the world; known only to the Watchers and seen by them only with the eye of faith.
“As in the days that were before the flood they were eating, drinking, marrying…and knew not… so shall also the [parousia] (presence) of the Son of Man be:” – the world will simply go on about its usual affairs, and know not of the Lord’s presence. – Matt 24:38. (R2974)
But why should our Lord be thus present?
What will be his work during the period of presence preceding his epiphania or manifestation to the world?
We shall consider this in our next post.