Our Escape from the Condemnation on the World, Part 3
If our escape from sin and its condemnation is by a ransom for Adam’s sin,
What shall we conclude concerning errors, omissions and transgressions now committed by those who have escaped and who have been JUSTIFIED from Adamic sin?
Would not the least sin on our part bring us again under condemnation? And would not this require another sin-offering to ransom us afresh and enable us to again /escape from condemnation?
The lack of a reasonable answer to these reasonable questions has confused many on the subject of ransom. They say,
If God can and does forgive recent offences without a ransom, why did he not do so with the original offence, the Adamic transgression?
The answer is simple and very clear:
Our Lord’s sin-offering cancelled fully the Adamic sin and all guilt which came by or through it in any way. Sin, as it is in the world, is entirely traceable to Adam’s sin. The impaired moral and physical nature which you received from your parents (and they from them back to Adam) is the fruitful source of your besetments to sin, and the open door by which you are easily assailed by the adversary. Hence, when you would do good, evil is sometimes presented so as to mislead and entice your degenerated nature into sin. This sin is traceable to the Adamic transgression; hence it is covered by the ransom. Whosoever, then, has by faith laid hold upon the ransom and escaped condemnation, finds ample assurance in our Father’s word that the blood of Jesus not only covers the sins that are past, but also all those present and future, not willful, but occasioned by the inherited weakness of the flesh.
This grand truth is clearly expressed by the Apostle. (1 John 1:7,8.) He is writing of himself and fellow believers, who by faith in Christ have been justified and have escaped the condemnation, and says: “If we say that we have no sin [i.e., actual sin; if we claim that our every word, thought and deed is perfect], we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” “But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we [and Jehovah] have fellowship one with another [God and we], and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin.”
What a beautiful thought – what a glorious truth! Though still actually imperfect, only reckoned righteous, still liable to and sometimes overcome by evil because of inherited weakness, yet, by walking in the light, we may maintain our communion with God, and may realize, on confession, the forgiveness of every sin and that the precious blood – the ransom – keeps us clean from every stain of sin. Thus, and in no other way, can we “keep our garments unspotted from the world”. (James 1:17.) Our robes of righteousness presented to us by our Lord as the fruit of his sacrifice, our wedding garment needful to a place at the marriage of the Lamb, would soon be defiled were it not for the continued efficacy of the cleansing blood.
To this, his plan, by which he can be just and yet justify him that believeth, God invites us, saying; “Come, let us reason together [I will make clear and plain to you how]: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be [deep] red like crimson [a fast color], they shall be as wool.” Yes: “The blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanses us from all sin.” (Isa 1:18; 1John 1:7.) R688