“If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” – Matt. 16:24.
“Our Lord’s invitation to forsake all and follow him is presented in very different language from the usual invitations given in his name today; – the thought, the sentiment, is wholly different. The general thought today, in connection with an invitation to “Come to Jesus,” might be expressed thus: – “We invite, we urge upon you to escape an eternity of torture, of misery, by accepting Jesus as your Savior. It is a question of eternal happiness or eternal misery, and, therefore, you have practically no alternative, but must accept him.”
How different from this is our Lord’s presentation of the matter in this text. He says nothing whatever about there being no choice, nor about an eternity of misery for those who do not elect to become his followers. His words imply that it is a matter of choice with the individual, and not a matter of compulsion in any sense of the word.
Our text contains no urging, no insistence that there is no alternative. On the contrary it presents to the mind obstacles which must be encountered by those who become the Lord’s followers – the crosses they must expect; and thus, it invites them to consider well what they are doing, before taking the step. The invitation contains neither rant nor cant, but is, in every sense of the word, logical and reasonable, and so stated as to avoid any misunderstanding. In this respect it corresponds with our Lord’s other utterances on the subject; as, for instance, when he gave the parable of the man who proposed to build a house and laid the foundation, but afterwards was not able to complete the structure. On this parable the Lord builds the teaching that his followers should count the cost of discipleship, in the same cool, methodical, calculating manner in which they would count the cost of the erection of a building; and that they should make sure that they sufficiently desire the result to carry forward the conditions necessary to attain them. His words are, “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, whosoever doth not bear his cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple.” He explains, further, that this implies that he will love the Lord more than father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters – yea, more than his own life. –Luke 14:26-30.
Furthermore, it is proper that we notice the class of people to whom the Lord addresses these searching requirements of discipleship. He addressed not vile sinners, not aliens, strangers, foreigners from God’s covenants and blessings; but those who were already the recipients of these – Israelites. Our text shows that his invitation was addressed to those who were already, in some sense of the word at least, our Lord’s “disciples” – believers in him and, to some extent, already cooperating with him. And so, still, we understand these words to be applicable, not to sinners but to those who have accepted of God’s grace in Christ to the forgiveness of their sins. The Lord is seeking a very special class of followers, separate not only from the world in general, but separate and distinct from the ordinary class of followers or disciples (professes believers).
Without prejudice to the general interests of the world, the blessing of which will come in due time; – without prejudice to the general disciple or believer, who will experience some blessing, some favors more than the world; – our text is pointing out the conditions of that highest degree of discipleship, the reward of which will be to be with the Master, see him as he is and share his glory as joint-heir with him in the Kingdom which the Father has promised him – through the instrumentality of which Kingdom all the ordinary disciples (believers) and the world in general shall be eventually blessed.
Our Lord wished, evidently, to draw a sharp line of distinction between all other classes and those followers who would walk in his steps, bearing their crosses after him. It is of this class that he declares, “No man having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62.) This special class must be thoroughly imbued with a zeal for God and for righteousness; must gain some reasonable conceptions of the good things which God has in reservation for them; must have some appreciation of the Kingdom privileges, else they will not be persevering enough, nor zealous enough, to “fight the good fight of faith” and overcome the spirit of the world, with the Lord’s assisting grace. It will require these qualities of heart, in addition to the grace, mercy and strength which the Lord has promised, to enable them to take up their cross and follow the Lord in the narrow way of self-sacrifice. And it was not only a kindness on the Lord’s part to make clear and definite the terms of the sacrifice, but it was reasonable also that he should not inveigle any into taking such a course contrary to the true zeal of their hearts. It was eminently proper that he should put the matter just as he did put it and that we, as his followers and mouthpieces, should present the matter to each other and to all who purpose to become his disciples in the same straightforward manner.” (R3236)
Continued with next post.