It will be noticed that the translators of the Revised Version have usually avoided the use of the wordhellthroughout the Scriptures, substituting therefor in the Old Testament the Hebrew word “Sheol,” and in the New Testament the Greek word, “hades.” Evidently, in view of the meaning attaching to the wordhellthe translators could not conscientiously so render Sheol and hades and, therefore, avoided any translation; – not wishing to translate these wordsgrave,” for fear, perhaps, that the public should quickly see that they had been hoodwinked on this subject for many years. We much prefer not to think ungenerously of men of such great scholarship, but circumstances certainly point in this direction. One of these pointers is found in Verse 55, where, instead of translating hades “grave,” as in the old version, or leaving it untranslated, hades, as in most other places in the Revised Version, they have translated itdeath.”

What was the object of this deviation from the general usage?

We can only surmise that it was to help keep the public in the dark respecting the true sentiments of the Word of God. Had they rendered the sentence, “hades, where is thy victory?” it would have given some, doubtless, the thought that hades, whatever it is (hot place of torture, or the cold grave), would finally yield to this triumph of the Lord Jesus, which will begin as soon as his Church shall be “changed” and his Kingdom established.

The Apostle continues his argument and shows that the victory will not be completely brought to pass until the end of the Millennium. He declares that the sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is in the law. Under Christ’s Millennial Kingdom the sins of the past will be forgiven, because of the atonement accomplished; and the perfect Law of God, having been met by the Mediator, will be applied to the ransomed race only in such proportions as they can receive it – in proportion to their knowledge and ability to obey. Thus, the Mediator of the New Covenant will ultimately bring off conquerors all who will obey him.

The Apostle next turns back the line of his argument from the future time, when men will be actually lifted up out of sin and death and imperfection, to the present time in which this is reckoned accomplished for the Church, the body of Christ, through faith. His words are, “But thanks be to God, which giveth us [now] the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Although as yet we see none of these things accomplished; although we have not our spiritual bodies, incorruptible and powerful; although we still have the treasure of the new mind in the earthen vessel; although we see nothing of the Kingdom’s establishment; – nevertheless, God giveth us victory through Christ, by faith; so that even now we can “rejoice with joy unspeakable,” and can so confidently look forward into the future as to claim a share in the victory over sin and death and the grave, through him who loved us and bought us.

The closing argument is that on this account – because we see these things so clearly with the eye of faith, we should be “steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that our labor is not in vain in the Lord“; – realizing that it is God who is working out this great plan of salvation, through our Lord Jesus Christ, and supporting all those who are seeking to walk in his steps, and to come off conquerors through him. Death and the grave may still seem to be gaining victories over us. But faith sees the matter from the other side, from the standpoint of accomplished victory in the future; and even now it exults and rejoices in the privilege of co-laboring with the Redeemer, and realizes that time and energy and life so spent are spent “not in vain,” because we confidently hope for, expect and wait for the glorious First Resurrection “change” and the glorious privileges of association with our Master in his Kingdom and work.” (R3176)

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