Many confound the words redemption and redeem, found in the New Testament, whereas they refer to different features of the work of Christ. The word redeem in its every use in the New Testament signifies to acquire by the payment of a price, while the word redemption in its every New Testament use signifies the deliverance or setting free of that which was acquired by the payment of a price.

We were redeemed [purchased] with the precious blood [the sacrificed life, the death] of Christ.” We wait for “the redemption [the deliverance] of our body(the Church) from present imperfections and death. We wait forthe redemption [deliverance] of the purchased possession. – 1 Pet 1:18,19; Rom 8:23; Eph 1:14.

In Christ is our redemption, or deliverance; for so God has ordained. He who redeemed, or bought us with the sacrifice of his own life, gives us, as our Prophet or Teacher, wisdom by his Gospel, to see our fallen state and himself as our helper; as our Priest, he first justifies us and then sanctifies or consecrates us,  as his under priesthood; and, finally, as King, he will fully deliver the faithful from the dominion of sin and death, to the glory, honor and immortality of the divine nature; – forGod will raise up [from the dead] us also, by Jesus.”

If faithful to our call and covenant, even unto death, we shall at the second coming of our Redeemer, receivean inheritance, incorruptible, undefiled, that fades not away, reserved in heaven for us who are kept by the power of God [His Word and Providence] through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time.” – Jas 1:12; 1 Pet 1:4,4; Rom 1:16; 2 Cor 4:14.

Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Truly he is able and willing to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him. – Heb 7:25.


In the light of the foregoing, now read a hitherto obscure passage of Scripture:

We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate must be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the first born among many brethren. Moreover [the class] whom he did predestinate [must be copies of his Son], them he also called [or invited to that honor through the gospel]; and whom he called, them he also [previously] justified [because he could not consistently call to honor and glory those who were under his own sentence of death as sinners]; and whom he justified them he also [previously] honored [by sending to them the gospel message].” – Rom 8:28-30.

Thus, the Apostle continues his argument concerning the favor of God toward the Church, asserting that God had a purpose to fulfil, and that the call of the Church is in accordance with that purpose. (Peter declares the same thing. – 1 Pet 1:2.) And he asserts that all of God’s dealings and arrangements correspond with that purpose, and cooperate for its accomplishment. God’s predestination was,

(1) that he would have a class of beings of the divine nature;

(2) that each one of that class must have a fixed character, like that of his ever-faithful, Beloved Son. To get such a class, the Apostle reasons and declares, God must call or invite some (just as we see he is doing), becauseno man taketh this honor to himself.” (Heb 5:4.)

But whom would God call or invite?

None were worthy; all had gone out of the way; none were righteous, no not one. Hence it was necessary that God provide for the justification of those he would call. But he could justify only such as believed in Jesus; and how could they believe on him of whom they had not heard, and without a preacher sent of God? (Rom 10:14.) Hence it was necessary that these be honored with the Gospel message in this age, in advance of its general revealing to every creature during the Millennial age. – Rom 1:16; 2 Cor 4:6; 1 Cor 15:1.

True, many more were called than will be acceptable – many more than will acquire the likeness of the Beloved Son; and many were justified WHO DID NOT, after believing, CONSECRATE THEMSELVES, and whose justification consequently lapsed; and many were honored with a hearing of the Gospel who, after hearing a little of it, rejected the message of mercy and favor.

But all the preaching, justifying and calling of this Gospel age has been to the intent that the foreknown class of the predestinated character might be selected and made joint-heirs with Christ. – See also 2 Tim 1:8-10.

What shall we [who have been so highly favored by God, and for whose successful running of the race every necessary arrangement and provision has been made] say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” And in view of this let each say, – “What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me? I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. I will pay my vows [fulfil my covenant of consecration] unto the Lord, now, in the presence of all his people.” (This will mean, as in our Lord’s case, faithfulness dying daily, 1 Cor 15:31 – even unto [actual] death, but) – “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his holy ones.” – Psa 116:12-15. (R3282)

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