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Category: Resurrection

Judgement Day and the Resurrection of Judgement, Part 8

Judgement Day and the Resurrection of Judgement, Part 8

“WE LOOK FOR NEW HEAVENS AND EARTH” The Pastor’s explanation, as we would suppose because of his having a clearer understanding of the Divine Plan of the Ages, and particularly of the nature and character of the great judgment Day, and of the symbolic language employed to describe the ushering in of the same, is clear and harmonious with all Scriptures. On no subject has he written more extensively. We will select a few of his utterances. Concerning the symbolical…

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Judgement Day and the Resurrection of Judgement, Part 7

Judgement Day and the Resurrection of Judgement, Part 7

THE OBJECT OF THE JUDGMENT DAY The only ones up to the present time released from that sentence are the Church class who have heard, understood, and exercised faith in the Son of God as both their Savior [Deliverer] and Lord. These have in the present life their trial, probation, judgment day, and will not enter into judgment with the world. (John 5:24, R. V.). The successful overcomers of this class will be associated with Christ in His divinely appointed…

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Judgement Day and the Resurrection of Judgement, Part 6

Judgement Day and the Resurrection of Judgement, Part 6

HOW will the resurrection of judgement be accomplished, that is how will it be carried out, and is there some order to it? Order is heavens first law, the Almighty is the God of order not of chaos, everything which was, is, and is to come is following along the divine plan or purpose; nothing has been left to chance as it involves the plan for man’s salvation and recovery. God’s plan for the salvation of the world begins first…

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Judgement Day and the Resurrection of Judgement, Part 5

Judgement Day and the Resurrection of Judgement, Part 5

WHERE will the resurrection of judgement begin? The Millennial blessings will begin with Israel. Restitution blessings will begin in Israel, after the stress of the great time of trouble, in which the chosen people will have their share–“the time of Jacob’s trouble.” God’s blessings of every kind begin with the Jew. He gave the Jew the first opportunity under the Abrahamic Covenant. And when it comes to the blessings of the New Covenant, the opportunity will come to the Jew…

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Judgement Day and the Resurrection of Judgement, Part 4

Judgement Day and the Resurrection of Judgement, Part 4

WHAT is the resurrection of Judgement? First let us make clear what the resurrection of judgement IS NOT, it is not what is commonly taught and believed in the professing church, a resurrection of damnation as is incorrectly translated in our common bibles. It is the professing church, the church nominal who preach the resurrection of damnation, that is according to their belief the dead will rise from the grave (this rising from the grave itself they believe to be…

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Judgement Day and the Resurrection of Judgement, Part 3

Judgement Day and the Resurrection of Judgement, Part 3

So what then of our original questions concerning the survivors of Armageddon, viz. the “holy remnant” of Israel as well as the rest of mankind living at the time: Do they need a resurrection? Yes most assuredly they will require a resurrection. Just because they didn’t die during the great time of trouble does not in any way imply that they have no need of a resurrection as will all? They still require to be lifted up, back to the…

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Judgement Day and the Resurrection of Judgement, Part 2

Judgement Day and the Resurrection of Judgement, Part 2

Anastasis–Resurrection “We find that while men use the word resurrection in a very general way, the Bible uses the Greek word anastasis, represented by our English word resurrection, in a very particular manner. The common view of the doctrine of resurrection is shown by Webster’s definition of the term, as follows: Resurrection: (1) A rising again; the resumption of vigor. (2) Especially, the rising again from the dead; the resumption of life. As examples of resurrection, our Lord’s notable miracles,…

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Judgement Day and the Resurrection of Judgement, Part 1

Judgement Day and the Resurrection of Judgement, Part 1

Having in our study entitled “The Church under the Abrahamic Covenant, not the New Covenant” considered those who will participate in the Resurrection of Life, i.e.  the Church, the great company and the Ancient Worthies, we will now consider those who will take part in the Resurrection of Judgement. Now as you recall in our previous posts we had mentioned some who would survive Armageddon, not only the “holy remnant” of Israel, but of other nations as well. The question…

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